The items of Regulation about the Competition
- The aims and objectives of the competition
- Tournament organization
- The Type of competition
- The Term of competition
- The Place of competition
- The Program of competition
- Who can participate in the competition? And is there any limitation?
- The system of implementation competition
- The number of party of individual meetings in special competition
- The number of party of meetings during team competition
- The board of guides
- Deadline for applications
- The place and time for lottery
- Financial conditions for participating in competition
- The types of awarding
- The types of game tables, balls and other equipments (brands)
- The list of reporting documents
- How should be treated with team players, own opinion about competition
- The following items must be provided for team competition in the regulation.
- Which sport organization can participate in the competition?
- Do held competitions for several team groups (league, division) and for which features teams apply this or other group (to league, to division)
- How many team can participate the same organization in the competition?